
Protecting Our Bodies from Viruses and Bacteria

There are at least two things you need to do in order to fight the onslaught of viruses and bacterial infections that we face every year, especially in the spring of the year. First, and I do believe it is “first” and most important all the yearlong, you need to have a healthy immune system. A couple of years ago we wrote a short article entitled “A Child’s View of the Immune System.” It’s still available and you may have a copy just by asking for it. It describes, in very simple terms, the basics of how our immune systems work.

Sometimes we wonder why two of us can go into the same area where we see sickness at work and one gets sick and the other stays healthy. I believe this is due to the condition of the individual immune systems. Earlier in my life I spent a bit of time outside the United States, and I loved sampling the wares of the street vendors and their food carts. Often the folks I was with would come down with what we called “Taiwan Tummy” or what others called “Montezuma’s Revenge”, and I felt no discomfort. My friends called me “the man with a cast-iron constitution.” I love variety in my diet and I’ve always eaten a broad spectrum of foods and taken a good multi-vitamin. So, I do have a pretty healthy immune system and I rarely get sick.

Prepare for the season! You can do this by using the season to work on strengthening your immune system. If you’re typically a finicky eater, try to include more healthy options in your diet this time of year, and make sure to take your vitamins. And take supplements that boost your immune system. There are several that are simply labeled as Immune Support or Immune Stimulator and so on. These are generally combinations of herbs, vitamins and minerals that are known to strengthen your immune system in general. Some simple ones are vitamins like extra Vitamin C and herbs like echinacea, elderberry, goldenseal and dandelion.

Second, make yourself aware of and place in your medicine cabinet in advance, those supplements that are known to kill seasonal bacteria and viruses that we know are coming! I’ll list a few:

  • I love Schultz’s Master Tonic. When Sam Biser asked Dr. Schultz “What if a person is exposed to a killer virus?” Dr. Schultz responded “I would use a formula I call Master Tonic, a modern-day plague antidote.” It is a tincture of five herbal antibiotics (ginger, hot peppers, garlic, horseradish and white onions) in an apple vinegar base. It takes a couple of weeks, but you can make it yourself.
  • Elderberry has been shown in clinical trials to kill the flu.
  • Echinacea root has important anti-viral and anti-fungal actions.
  • A medical doctor recently stated on a radio program that the mineral zinc in proper dosages will kill viruses.
  • Several sources tell us that colloidal silver will kill both viruses and bacteria. I noted that the hospitals I have visited recently are using silver-impregnated clothes to dress wounds to keep them from getting infected.

From a previous blog, “There are many herbs, teas, supplements and essential oils to assist your body in putting up a good fight against those foreign invaders that would make you ill. Also, daily attention to our overall health and good health habits including good nutrition, plenty of rest and exercise, and adjustments of unhealthy lifestyles and habits will often “win the day.” Well, young soldiers, fight to stay healthy every day. Don’t get sick and you won’t have to work so hard to get well.”

For more information, contact Naturopathic Doctor Randy Lee, owner of The Health Patch at 1024 S. Douglas Blvd, Midwest City, OK 73130, call 405-736-1030, e-mail [email protected], or visit